„Saints Row Metro Double Pack” na PS4 zawiera 4 różne gry

Sagi Saints Row i Metro łączą się, aby umożliwić Gracze na PlayStation 4 i inne platformy nabywają dwie dostawy obu franczyz w tym samym pakiecie.

On nazwa pakietu to „Saints Row Metro Double Pack” i zawiera wersje Redux Metro 2033 i Metro Last Light przez sagę Metro, a także Saints Row 4: Elected i Gat out of Hell autorstwa Saints Row.

Kto Jesteś zainteresowany Aby go kupić, jest on teraz dostępny w PlayStation Store w cenie ok 54,99 dolarów w Ameryce Północnej i 49,99 GBP w Zjednoczonym Królestwie. W Europie pakiet ma problemy w sklepie.


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dynamic individual with a diverse range of talents and passions. With a background in web development, he has honed his skills in creating innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. As the CEO of Hire Quality Software, Stephen leads a team dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions. With a programming journey that dates back to 1981, he has mastered languages like Fortran, Pascal, C, Python, icon, and ladder logic. Beyond his technical expertise, Stephen embraces life as a creator, gamer, professional food advocate, web evangelist, and travel nerd. Through his diverse interests, he continually seeks to make an impact in various domains and share his love for technology, food, and exploration with the world.